Adrián Bíro

Jenkins Stuff

Copy modules from Jenkins parameters, then in PowerShell run this, search, with the string that will return, in Kibana (Lucene mode).

"http.response.status_code: [499 TO 600] AND : (" + $((Get-Clipboard -Raw) -replace "\n", "* OR ") + "*)"

Backup Jenkins metadata

There is a better way to do it, but when you are in a strangely setup environment, where you can’t acces jenkins session, but you have control over the cluster, this is what you can do.

First run this as free style pipeline periodicaly.

set -euxo pipefail
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)jenkins_bkp"
oc project smart-deva
oc rsync --include="config.xml" --exclude="/*/*/,state.xml,nextBuildNumber" --delete=true $(oc get pod | awk '/jenkins/&&!/agent/{print $1}'):/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/smartcase/jobs/ bkp/
echo -e "---------------------------------------------------------------\nGIT"
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
git status -sb
if (( $(git diff | wc -l) > 0 )); then
 git add --all
 git commit --allow-empty -m "jenkins bkp"
 git push origin HEAD:master
 echo -e "\nNothing to commit, working tree clean."

Prepare Jenkins for the restart without full admin access.

Delete Jenkins job queue with java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s https://jenkins-<org>/ -webSocket clear-queue or Groovy


Delete all agents: oc delete pod $(oc get pod -o wide | awk '/jenkins-ocp3-agent/{print $1}')

Restore backup created by free style pipeline to /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<namespace>/jobs

Deploy jenkins: oc rollout latest dc/jenkins

In case of any problem with the deployment:

oc rollout retry dc/jenkins

oc rollout cancel dc/jenkins

Delete old builds

find ./*/builds -maxdepth 1 -type d -mtime +3 -name "[0-9]*" -exec rm -rf {} \;

Run all Build jobs

/*Not in Groovy Sandbox*/
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.model.*
def dirname = "smartcase/Build"
def allJobs = hudson.model.Hudson.getInstance().getAllItems(Job.class).findAll { it.getFullName().contains(dirname) }
def matchedJobs =  allJobs.findAll { job -> =~ /master$/ }

matchedJobs.each { job ->
    if(! job.toString().contains('Build all modules')){
    println "Scheduling matching job ${}"
    job.scheduleBuild(new Cause.UserIdCause())