To avoid a non-deterministic lag between the time that a new route is entered into the kernel routing tables and the time that a new lookup in those route tables is performed, use on Linux kernel version < 3.6 routing cache
$ ip route flush cache
$ ip route get dev wlp0s20f3 src uid 1000
ip addr | awk -F':' '/^[1-9]/{$2=$2; print $2}'
ip link show
netstat -i
nmcli connection show
trafic on wifi interface UDP
sudo tcpdump -i $(ip addr | awk -F':' '/^[1-9]/{print $2}'| grep wlp) udp -v
ssh trafic
sudo tcpdump 'tcp port 22' -l -e
sudo tcpdump -n ip and udp and port 53
ss -4
sudo ss -tnlp