Adrián Bíro

Find And Xargs Tips

Find broken links find /usr/bin/ -type l -xtype l

Select a file based on multiple conditions

find /srv/app/sandbox-storage/ -maxdepth 3 -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*(docx|txt|tsv|csv|pdf|json|zip)" -mtime +30 -type f -delete

To select a file based on size and another condition

Wrong way ls -l | cut -d' ' -f4 | ... better one find size 31c cron job example.

find /app/csops/import/ \( \( -name 'SFDW.HPDWHP.SMAPP1.DA*ERRS' -a -size 31c \) -o \( -name 'ASSC.ADSPP1.SMAPP1.FZ*ERRS' -a -size 59c \) -o \( -name 'CTBR.YB0A00.SMAPP1.SK*ERRS' -a -size 268c \) -o \( -name 'CLSC.CLMPP1.SMAPP1.VR*ERRS' -a -size 109c \) -o \( -name 'CLUN.CLMPP1.SMAPP1.UN*ERRS' -a -size 663c \) -o \( -name 'COLI.CSCOLL.SMAPP1.CI*ERRS' -a  -size 83c \) -o \( -name 'TMBR.CSCOLL.SMAPP1.AT*ERRS' -a -size 362c \) \) -print0 | xargs -n 1000 -0 mv -t /app/csops/archiv/

In this example there is a few things useful to know:

Process arguments in bit complex logic then -exec can handle

In case you need to perform backup of metadata from the container and there is no way due corporate permission you can access mounted volume but from pod , and you need put all file to one directory. This will transform this structure dir1/config.xml dir2/config.xml to bkp/dir1_config.xml bkp/dir2_config.xml.

Process arguments in a bit complex logic then -exec can handle

In case you need to perform a backup of metadata from the container and there is no way due to corporate permission you can access the mounted volume but from pod, you need to put all files in one directory. This will transform this structure dir1/config.xml dir2/config.xml to bkp/dir1_config.xml bkp/dir2_config.xml.

# Create backup
find . -maxdepth 2 -name 'config.xml' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' dir; do name="$(sed 's/\.\///g; s/\//_/g' <<< ${dir})"; cp "${dir}" "bkp/${name}"; done
# Restore
find bkp/ -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' name; do dir="$(sed 's/_config.xml//; s/bkp\///' <<< ${name})"; mkdir -p "${dir}"; cp "${name}" "${dir}/config.xml" ; done

This is useful when there is too much input

# ok
$ du -sh
12G     .
$ ls -l | wc -l
$ grep -c ERROR *.log
# Works ...
$ du -sh
166G    .
$ ls -l | wc -l
$ zgrep -c ERROR *.log.gz
/usr/bin/zgrep: Argument list too long
$ zgrep -c ERROR smart-*.log.gz
/usr/bin/zgrep: Argument list too long
# solution
$ find /srv/log/xp/openshift/appdata/smart-prod-applogs -newermt "$(date -d "2 day ago" +"%Y-%m-%d")" ! -newermt "$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")"  -name "smart-*" -exec zgrep -c ERROR {} \; | awk  '{sum+=int($0)}END{print sum}'
# another huge one 
$ du -sh
5.8T    .

Stop xargs iteration after error

echo -e '/boot\nqwe\npoi' | xargs -I{} bash -xc 'ls {} || exit 255'

If any invocation of the command exits with a status of 255, xargs will stop immediately without reading any further input. An error message is issued on stderr when this happens.